Ayurvedic Digestive Reset

Is your digestion feeling a bit off?

Maybe it is sluggish, slow and stagnant.

Maybe it is fast, ravenous and hot.

Maybe it is irregular, unreliable and fluctuating.

Maybe you experience a myriad of digestive symptoms (gas, bloating, burping, hiccuping, acid reflex, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea etc.)

Ayurvedic Digestive Reset is a simple, effective and gentle introduction to Ayurvedic Cleansing and will work to begin to give your digestive system a break.

Find Balanced Digestion with this Ayurvedic Cleanse

What is Agni?

What is Agni?

Our digestive fire (agni), is responsible for assimilating the food and drink that we consume. Agni separates the nourishment, nutrition and life-force from the waste products. When agni is impaired the process of assimilating the nourishment and nutrients that you consume may not be functioning optimally. This is to say that you could be eating the most nourishing and healthy foods in all the lands, but if your agni is imbalanced then the food will be converted into ama (metabolic toxins) or waste (eliminated straight out the body)

. Agni is also responsible for our ability to assimilate our mental state, process our emotions and digest our life experiences, thus supporting mental clarity, intelligence and enthusiasm.

Balanced agni promotes a feeling of satiation, easy and regular elimination process, clear voice, bright eyes, clear skin, even energy levels, calm and harmonious energy, enthusiasm for life.

Why Cleanse in the Seasonal Transition

Ayurveda suggests that our health is most challenged in the transition period between seasons.

Participating in a mono-food fast, practicing yoga, pranayama and meditation whilst conserving your energy can support the cleansing of ama (digestive toxins) from the body, release any tensions or stressors within the mind and create space for emotional residue to be felt.

By cleansing in the seasonal transitions you have the opportunity to cultivate clarity, vibrancy and vitality in all aspects of your life.

Ayurveda in Autumn

Autumn is inherently related to Vata Dosha, the humour of Air and Ether.

This time of year can be one that illuminates anxiety, restlessness, mobility, dryness, coldness and irregularity. It is crucial that we are aware of how we can support ourselves during this time so that we can take the energy, suppleness and joy from the summer season with us into Winter.

Autumn is a powerful time to cleanse the body and mind with an Ayurvedic Digestive Reset to soothe the system and relieve any excess Pitta dosha that has accumulated over the Summer time. It can help to support, ground and nourish your body as preparation for the Winter ahead.

Ayurveda in Spring

Spring is inherently ruled by Kapha Dosha, the humour of Water & Earth.

This is to say that there is an increased amount of qualities like cold, heavy, wet, gross, dense, static, dull, soft, smooth & cloudy, present. When Kapha Dosha is increased we are more prone to congestion, allergies, lethargy, inertia and depression

Spring time is a potent time to cleanse the body and mind with an Ayurvedic Digestive Reset to help shake off any stagnation of excess Kapha in the system from the hibernation of Winter and begin to propel you towards a state of health that is balanced, vital and vibrant.

What is an Ayurvedic Digestive Reset?

What is an Ayurvedic Digestive Reset?

In Ayurveda, we utilise a mono-food fast in order to create a cleansing and purifying effect on the body and mind. A mono-food fast means that we focus on eating a very simple diet of rice and mung beans. In doing so we receive all the necessary nutrients our body needs, whilst giving our digestive system a bit of a break. You see, when we practice a mono-food fast, our digestive system gets pretty good at understanding what we are putting in through our mouth and what is necessary to digest it. This means our body can send extra energy that is usually utilised to digest the variety of food, drink and other sensory input, instead channelling it into the cleansing and purifying actions.  

The aim of this reset is to start to dislodge ama (metabolic toxins) from the digestive tract and other parts of the body so that it can start to be eliminated through our bodies waste system.


  • Ayurveda is the ancient Indian holistic health system. ‘ayur’ means life & ‘veda’ means science, thus Ayurveda is the science of life, longevity & vitality. Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga and utilises diet, lifestyle, Yoga, herbs & treatments to encourage overall & sustainable health & wellbeing.

    Ayurveda looks at the human being holistically including the physical, mental, energetic and spiritual bodies. In doing this we observe that no illness or dis-ease is purely physical, it will always have roots in the mind and emotions. Instead of treating the symptoms that arise, as modern medicine does, we begin to look for the root cause of all imbalances and work from there. Its like pulling a weed out from the root, rather than just mowing over it and hoping it doesn’t come back. An Ayurvedic healing approach asks us as practitioners, to take our life into our own hands. This means we must begin to observe, reflect and evaluate how our actions have led us to this present moment, knowing that we have spent many years drawing ourself out of balance, that it wont be a quick overnight fix back to a state of health. In doing this, we start to understand the relationship of cause and effect and how we can start to increase the actions that propel us towards health, and start to leave out the directions that draw us more out of balance.

    As we begin an Ayurvedic healing journey for your symptoms and your health, I can give you all the advice, guidance and recommendations to support you, but it has to be you that commits and takes the actions every day to move your health towards your unique state of balance.

  • • Anyone who wants a ‘quick fix’

    • Pregnant Women (we want to be building and nourishing)

    • Breastfeeding Women (we do not want to deplete the tissues)

    • Menstruating Women (we are already in a period of deep cleansing… )**

    • Anyone with an acute condition (cold, flu, any active symptoms)

    • Anyone with excess ama / metabolic toxins (we want to slowly reduce the toxins in the body, like soaking a dirty pan before washing it, consider an Ayurvedic Health Consultation)

    • Anyone with eating disorders should proceed with caution and work 1:1 with a consultant (Paige) directly

    **However if you begin the cleanse before you start menstruating then it can be completed as planned, otherwise wait until after you have finished bleeding.

  • • Anyone who has worked with an Ayurvedic Health Consultant before

    • Anyone who lives a healthy lifestyle

    • Anyone who reduces their exposure to toxins as much a possible

    • Anyone who is feeling stagnant, heavy or lethargic and wants to improve their digestion

    • Anyone who is prepared to change their lifestyle and food habits and not just expect a ‘quick fix’

  • All material provided from Om Som Yoga & Ayurveda for the Ayurvedic Digestive Reset is provided for informational or educational purposes only. Speak with your medical doctor regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. The instructions and advice presented from Om Som Yoga & Ayurveda for the Ayurvedic Digestive Reset are in no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician.

    Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would any detox, weight loss or weight maintenance program. Your physician should be aware of all medical conditions that you may have as well as the medications and supplements you are taking.

    If you are on diuretics or diabetes medication, have liver or gallbladder disease or take any medications, you should proceed only under a doctor’s supervision. As with any plan, the cleansing phases of this nutritional plan should not be used by patients on dialysis or by pregnant or nursing women.

    You must be at least 16 years of age or older to do the Ayurvedic Digestive Reset.

Ayurvedic Digestive Reset


Agni Reset $111


~ Extensive Cleansing Guide PDF

~ Access to Pre-Recorded Resources

~Group Chat Support Throughout

Supportive Add Ons

+ 3 Days Dry Pre-Mixed Kitchari, Dosha Balancing Tea & Dosha Balancing Spice Mix $150

+ 5 Days Dry Pre-Mixed Kitchari, Dosha Balancing Tea & Dosha Balancing Spice Mix $200

+ Individually Tailored Recommendations & Support ~ Ayurvedic Health Consultation $222


Completely Virtual Ayurvedic Digestive Reset

Commencing Monday 18th of March

3, 5 or 7 Day Cleansing Period

*This is just the dates of the next guided group cleanse, you can choose to complete the cleanse any time at your own pace.

Meet Paige Taylah

Meet Paige Taylah ॐ

Ayurvedic Practitioner & Yoga Teacher

Co-Founder of Om Som Yoga & Ayurveda

Paige completed her first Yoga Teacher Training in 2017 and since then has furthered her studies with various Yoga Schools. She specialises in Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga & Ayurvedic Yoga.

Paige is passionate about sharing Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga. She weaves traditional teachings into all of her classes so that her students can connect deeply with themselves as well as the practice.

Paige’s teaching style is slow, gentle & nourishing. She allows exploration of your own body, feelings & experiences.

Over the last few years. she has dedicated over 1200+ hours to studying the science of Ayurveda and is now a qualified practitioner. Paige is passionate about establishing a state of vibrancy, vitality and true health through the system of Ayurveda. She also offers incredibly luxurious Ayurvedic Treatment and insires other with Ayurvedic Cooking Workshops.

Questions, Concerns or Queries?

Simply fill out the form below or email Paige on paige@omsom.yoga