Ayurvedic Health Consultations

Are you ready to live a life of purpose, balance and vitality?

Are you sick and tired of physical and/or mental symptoms that have become ‘normal’ to you?

Are you ready to take aligned action towards a balanced state of health and live a vibrant life?

Let me introduce you to the holistic health system that single handedly changed my life.

After struggling with chronic headaches, neck pain, fatigue, irritability, anxiety + much more my entire life, I took my life into my own hands and liberated myself from suffering with the wisdom of Ayurveda.

What is Ayurveda?

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian holistic health system. ‘ayur’ means life & ‘veda’ means science, thus Ayurveda is the science of life, longevity & vitality. Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga and utilises diet, lifestyle, Yoga, herbs & treatments to encourage overall & sustainable health & wellbeing.

Ayurveda looks at the human being holistically including the physical, mental, energetic and spiritual bodies. In doing this we observe that no illness or dis-ease is purely physical, it will always have roots in the mind and emotions. Instead of treating the symptoms that arise, as modern medicine does, we begin to look for the root cause of all imbalances and work from there. Its like pulling a weed out from the root, rather than just mowing over it and hoping it doesn’t come back. An Ayurvedic healing approach asks us as practitioners, to take our life into our own hands. This means we must begin to observe, reflect and evaluate how our actions have led us to this present moment, knowing that we have spent many years drawing ourself out of balance, that it wont be a quick overnight fix back to a state of health. In doing this, we start to understand the relationship of cause and effect and how we can start to increase the actions that propel us towards health, and start to leave out the directions that draw us more out of balance.

As we begin an Ayurvedic healing journey for your symptoms and your health, I can give you all the advice, guidance and recommendations to support you, but it has to be you that commits and takes the actions every day to move your health towards your unique state of balance.

Are You Ready To?

  • Observe and reflect on the actions you are currently taking and how they have lead you to this imbalanced state of health

  • Take accountability for your thoughts, emotions and actions

  • Commit yourself to taking SIMPLE actions daily to lead you towards a balanced state of health

  • Alleviate any uncomfortable symptoms

  • Dedicate yourself to the bigger picture of your health, knowing that it has taken many years to get you into this state of imbalance, and that there is no quick fixes to long term health?

  • Understand how you can support your body, mind and energy in a way thats unique to YOU

  • Live a simple, healthy and happy life

Forge Your Path to Wellness

Svastha: 3 Month Health Journey

Invest in yourself and make the commitment to cultivate the most vibrant, vital and healthy version of yourself over a 3 month period.

Allow this journey to keep you accountable, motivated and empowered to choose a life that propels you towards a state of health.

Recommended to create the most sustainable and long-lasting changes in your life.


7 x Fortnightly Sessions

60-90 mins

In-studio or Online

3 Month Access to Om Som Online Studio

Constant Email Support & Accountability

$777 Upfront or 3 x Monthly Payments of $333

Ayurveda Health Consultation

An opportunity to experience the wisdom of Ayurveda in a casual session. Together we will evaluate your entire life and all of the actions, thoughts and practices that are not supportive towards your health and create some guidelines to cultivate vitality and vibrancy.

This option is great for those that are incredibly self-motivated to make changes.


Once Off Casual Sessions

Initial Session 90 mins $222

Follow Up Session 30-45 mins $111

Sessions are recommended fortnightly, monthly or every two months depending on your ability to hold yourself accountable and motivated.

I Will Support You By…

• Creating a judgement free space so you can express yourself and be heard

• Guiding you through a slow and sustainable approach to creating a balanced & healthy lifestyle (no quick fixes)

• Consistently tweaking and adjusting practices to constantly support your ever evolving state of health

• Email conversations to follow up and help you stay accountable inbetween sessions

• Offering you my embodied experience and vast knowledge on Ayurveda completely dedicated to guiding you on an individual journey to your unique state of balance, harmony and health (no one-size fits all).

• 10% off any Ayurvedic treatments whilst we work together

What is Svastha?

What is Svastha?

‘Sva’ means self, self beyond the labels, beyond the constraints of this modern society. It speaks of capital ‘s’ Self. The version of you that is most aligned with authenticity and truthfulness. The version of you that you would express if there was no fear of failing or no limitations. 

‘Stha’ means to be established in, grounded in, made up of a certain state.

Svastha, simply put reflects our ability to be firmly grounded in our true sense of self. 

As Sanskrit words always have a myriad of translations, svastha also means health; and thus there is this deep correlation between one’s ability to be established in their most authentic self and one’s state of health.

Svastha is our ability to deeply understand who we are at our core, and to be so grounded in that state that every action we take, every thought we think, every word we speak comes from that place. 

When we are established in this state of self, we attract people, experiences and opportunities that align and propel us into greatness. 

This leads us to live a life that is full of vibrancy and vitality.

Naturally and effortlessly we make choices of ahar (food), vihar (lifestyle), nidra (sleep) and brahmacharya (energy management) that propel us towards our own unique state of balanced health.

Join me to find your own svastha…

Svastha: 3 Month Health Journey

We will begin with an introduction into Ayurveda and begin to evaluate what is going on in your life and your current state of health including what doshas are present in your prakriti (balanced state of health) as well as your vikriti (current state of imbalance. We will identify your main intentions, goals and outcomes of this journey and put in place our journey plan

Reduce Stress: Energy Management

Together we will unpack the science of the nervous system, consider the signs and symptoms of stress and how it affects the body and mind. We will evaluate all the stressors in your life and how it is affecting your health and implement some simple yet effective stress management techniques and practices.

Regulate Agni: Food Habits

Through discussion we will learn all about our digestive system and ‘agni’ from an Ayurvedic perspective. We will uncover your state of agni (tikshna, manda, vishama or sama), so that we can focus on mindful eating habits and daily routines to best support your current state of digestion and any imbalances or symptoms present.

Regulate Agni: Food Choices

After working with mindful eating habits and routines to balance your agni, we will turn to food choices. We will chat about food and recipes that you love to cook and eat at home, exploring how we can adjust and modify them to align with Ayurvedic principles. Thus creating a menu that is not only enticing for you but that also balances your doshas and regulates agni.

Remove Ama: Reduce Toxins

Once agni is balanced, we will move onto ama (the digestive toxins). It is important to first evaluate all of the ways that you are being exposed to or consuming toxins. We will discuss all aspects of your life from water consumption, to food, to skin care etc, exploring ways that you can slowly and sustainable reduce your exposure to toxins.

Remove Ama: Kitchari Cleanse

Now that your food habits and choices are dialled, you should no longer be accumulating ama throughout the digestive system which means you can begin to cleanse the body and mind. We will explore different cleansing practices including a kitchari fast, so that you can start to scrape the pre-existing toxins out and give your body a bit of a reset.

Build Ojas: Replenish & Rejuvenate

Our last exploration on your health journey will be building ojas which is our nectar of vitality, immunity and sustenance. We will explore rituals and routines to start to build our supply of ojas so that we can feel supple, nourished and supported in our body and mind. We will focus on practices (abhyanga), food and herbs to set you up on your journey forwards.

Available Timeslots

Other times available upon request, subject to availability.


9:30am, 11am, 1:30pm or 3:30pm


11am, 1:30pm or 3:30pm


9:30am, 11am, 1:30pm or 3:30pm



  • After booking in your initial appointment you will be emailed a form that you will need to fill out prior to your consultation. It will take roughly 30-60 minutes and asks you to completely evaluate your current state of health and our life circumstances. Each of these questions has been carefully curated so that I can get the best understanding of your current state of imbalance or dis-ease, known as vikruti as well as clearing up the picture so we can see your natural state of balance a little more clearly.

    Once the questionnaire is received, I will look over it prior to our initial consultation and prepare my initial findings and understanding of your circumstances.

    In our initial consultation 60-90 minutes, we go over the questionnaire you have filled out and I will ask a few follow up questions to get a better idea of your current state of health. From this place I will suggest what I will consider the most important changes for you to put in place based on the information you have provided to me, I will explain why these suggestions will be helpful for you and how directly you will be able to see the effects of these changes. Together we will decide what choices are sustainable and accessible in your life right now and how we can set you up for success as you begin your journey on the path to your own unique state of health.

    My recommendations will be rooted in ahar (food choices and habits), vihar (lifestyle choices and habits), brahmacharya (right use of energy), nidra (sleep habits) as well as yoga practice, Ayurvedic treatments and herbs when necessary.

    After your initial consultation I will send you a follow up email with a detailed list of recommendations as well as any resources that I think you will find helpful.

    Follow Up Consultations are recommended:

    Fortnightly - if you struggle to hold yourself accountable

    Monthly - if you are excited and ready to make some changes

    Every 6-8 Weeks - if you are extremely motivated, driven and ready to shift your life

  • Ayurveda is a holisic health science that is for everyone and anyone. It is wisdom rooted in nature and thus is not bound to any one culture, geographically location or class of people.

    Ayurveda is for anyone who is deeply interested in preventative medicine an is interested in aligning their food lifestyle, sleep and energy management practices to the rhythms of nature.

    Ayurveda is for anyone who is prepared to evaluate their life and make slow, sustainable changes that will propel them towards health. Ayurveda is NOT a ‘quick fix’.

  • Ayurveda can help support most health conditions.

    Our main focus is within the digestive system, working to eliminate symptoms like gas, bloating, acid reflux, burping, diarrhoea, constipation, sluggish digestion etc.

    We can also work to support a range of women’s health conditions. Ayurveda may be able to provide some relief from what are classified as ’PMS’ symptoms, but are really just imbalanced dosha such as cramps, mood swings, anxiety, depression, swollen breasts, excessive flow, stagnant cycle, clotting, etc.

    Ayurveda is also able to provide support for most other health conditions, however the more deeply rooted they become within the phyical body the more work necessary to get to the root cause. A good guideline is to think about how long you have been taking the actions leading to your imbalance maybe 5, maybe 10, maybe 20+ years… We need to be willing to make significant changes and hold them for a sustainable time or sometimes up to half the amount of time it took to get us where we are. There are no quick fixes in Ayurveda.

  • Absolutely not.

    Although Ayurveda ‘mostly’ recommends a vegetarian diet, this is not something I would force upon you if you do not feel comfortable doing so.

    Unless your meat intake is significantly impacting your health you will be able to keep meat in your diet. Keep in mind I may make some suggestions about the quality, quantity and portions of meat in your diet like I would with any food choice.

  • Let’s get something straight. I will never ask you to ‘give up’ sometin without finding you a sustainble and supportive alternative. If we take anything away without replacement, we are left with a void and voids make us feel empty, sad or helpless. So it is so important if we take something away in your diet or lifestyle, that we replace it with something that creates the same feeling, whether it be comfort, ritual or taste.

    Caffeine is one of those things that cause a lot of people issues. Whether it be excessive stress in the nervous system, high pitta dosha in the digestive system (acid reflux or loose stools) or adds to inflammation. We may discuss replacing caffeine with alternative during our session, however at the end of the day it is always you decision and choice as to what changes you make, I can only guide you towards health.

  • The one thing that I teach EVERYONE that I work with is cause and effect.

    We are always so obsessed with symptoms, but very rarely do we take the time to work out what exactly is causing that symptom. In western medicine, they wont ask you about your diet or lifestyle, they will just prescribe you a pill that will hopefully alleviate the symptom, but without addressing the root cause, that same imbalance will just manifest elsewhere.

    Understanding how our actions, thoughts and choices effect our state of health is pivotal.

    If you understand that your consumption of hot, spicy food, caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol or deep fried foods, high stress work environment and competitive mental attitude is contributing to imbalanced pitta dosha which is manifesting as inflammation, loose stools, acid reflux, skin breakouts or rashes etc. then MAYBE, just MAYBE it will be a little harder to continue to choose to act in this way.

    Perhaps, with the understanding of cause and effect it even becomes EASIER to live a life that propels you towards health, vitality and vibrancy.

    … and if not, maybe you aren’t ready for Ayurveda, and that’s okay too.

  • All material provided from Om Som Yoga & Ayurveda for the Ayurvedic Health Consultations is provided for informational or educational purposes only. Speak with your medical doctor regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition. The instructions and advice presented from Om Som Yoga & Ayurveda for Ayurvedic Health Consultations are in no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician.

    You must be at least 16 years of age or older to complete an Ayurvedic Health Consultation.

Start Your Ayurvedic Journey Towards Health

Questions, Concerns or Queries?

Simply fill out the form below or email Paige on paige@omsom.yoga